1992 Olympics in Barcelona: the city that changed forever

This week marks the 25th anniversary of the 1992 Summer Olympics Games that were took place in Barcelona, Spain. It was an event that changed the look of Barcelona forever and had an enormous impact on the urban culture and external projection of the city.

The Games provided billions of dollars for infrastructure investments and improved the quality of life and attraction of the city for investment and tourism. Today, Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in Europe.

parque-del-mar-puerta-del-mar Evolución del área de Parque del mar.

At El Independiente we tried to show how the Games modified the physiognomy of Barcelona using aerial and satellite imagery. The most complicated aspect was to work with three different systems of projection of coordinates to be able to put all the images together in order to be able to compare them.

montjuic-estadio-olimpico Evolución del área del Estadio Olímpico de Montjuïc (hoy Estadio Olímpico Lluís Companys)

We used QGIS to work with rasters and photoshop to place the labels and make some minor corrections on rasters placements.

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